Agroforestry is beneficial to cocoa trees, and at the same time provides additional income sources for farmers. FarmStrong Foundation is actively promoting agroforestry on cocoa farms in Côte d’Ivoire.
To date, all cocoa farmers in our programs have been trained and have embraced agroforestry.
We are also active in reforestation and restoration of sacred and protected forests. In addition, we build community forests, town parks and plant trees on village school yards.
To date, we have produced and distributed 966,319 number of trees and we plan to distribute another 400,000 number of trees later this year.
#CocoaAndForests #CacaoEtForêts #FarmStrongFoundation #Côted‘Ivoire
#Soubré #RégiondelaNawa #SustainableCocoa #Sustainableprogram #Cocoa
#Sustainability #Forests #InternationalDayofForests